No author
In most cases, when there is no author, the organization that created the article or webpage is listed as the author.
Follow this format: Organization/Group. (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage in italics. URL
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, March 28). Measles vaccinations.
In-text citation: (Centers for Disease Control, 2019, para. 5).
Author with one name
Example: Malcolm X
Do not abbreviate; put a period after the name, e.g. Malcolm X. Do this for authors with one name, inseparable names, and an essential title (APA Manual, p. 287, section 9.8).
Author with hyphenated FIRST names:
Hyphenate the initials, e.g. Xu, A.-J. for Ai-Jun Xu
If the second element of a hyphenated name is lowercase, treat it as a single name, e.g. Raboso, L. for Lee-ann Raboso (APA Manual, page 286, section 9.8).